Wednesday, March 29, 2017

More Updates (I Swear There's Progress)

For the past few week or so I have been creating my storyboard, despite my lack of artistic talent. I really want to be sure to know exactly what shots to film before I got ready to film. I almost can't believe I almost started filming last week WITHOUT even thinking about story-boarding. I felt so pressured on time that I felt as if I needed to start filming even though I was 100% NOT ready.  Honestly, getting spring break as an extra week has saved me and this project to the fullest and I could not be more thankful.

Right now I've been gauging on where my fellow classmates are in their projects, just so I can tell if I'm falling behind or right up to speed. So far it seems like I'm on par with everyone else. Majority of everyone I've spoken with hasn't started filming and is at least planning to film sometime later this week. Which brings me to my filming schedule.

Diego is also filming another Media Studies project and he was doing that on Tuesday. I was hopeful that I could film today on Wednesday, but it's hard to work around on both Diego, mine, and my mom's schedule. As well as trying to coordinate with Diego's friend, Gianni, who I've assumed to be playing Chris. I'm really trying my best, but since neither Diego or I have a car so he can't drive over to my house and I can't go to pick him up. I can only do so when my mom is home, but she has been working later than usual this week.

Honestly, my last resort is Ubering Diego and Gianni to my house to film. I know I have to start filming this week. If I can't film until the weekend, I'll just start working on my website and postcard. (I started playing around with the website, but I haven't decided on what website maker I wanted to use.)

I swear, next update I'll have something substantial to blog about.

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