Sunday, March 12, 2017

Script writing! Featuring only small amounts of writer's block!!

I'll admit it. I hate script writing, but that's mainly because I'm so bad at it. All that counts is that I'm trying, right?

It's been a pretty busy week, but while waiting for my mom to pick me up from the school I took advantage of the time I had. I used this time mainly for this project. Most of the time went to script writing and story boarding. So yeah, it was all basically a mess.

I've been using a free program called Celtx, which lets me brainstorm and write in the format I need for my film. Celtx not only lets me write my screenplay, but offers storyboard and shot list templates. I've used it numerous times in the past for multiple projects.

4 scripts scrapped! 4! AHH!!
Right now I feel like I've been constantly writing and then scrapping what I've written. It's such a vicious cycle, but I mean I completely understand why. At the moment, my film is visual driven and not plot driven for me. Through writing the script, I'm trying to make sense of the plot while incorporating my genre conventions without making it too cliche and cringe.

I'm really trying my best here. I promise. I think I'm finally getting it though.

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