Sunday, March 26, 2017

NOT Real Drugs! (and overall updates)

I should probably clarify this, but Nous isn't a real drug and I will not be using any hazardous materials to film. To create the look of real, futuristic drugs I will be using Listerine FreshBurts PocketPaks which are basically mints in tab form that dissolve on your tongue.

They're probably the most realistic Nous I'll get without creating my own technological-based drug. They're just small, thin tabs that are about a 2 in long and 1 in in width. They basically take up the entire base of the tongue, which I though to be too big. So I figured I would cut them in half, straight down the center, making them out to be 1 in long and .5 in in width.

1 tab, cut into 2
I tried cutting them into 4th,but to me they were too small and didn't feel like they would have such a crazy effect and could not hold such great technology. I mean, at that size they barely fit on my fingertip. I knew that during filming they would be hard to work with and they'd be falling and sliding everywhere. So I stuck with the medium size.

Also, I watched another short film on YouTube titled PERCEPTION which also deals with an experimental drug. However,  this drug solely focuses on memories and causes the user to relive memories while on the drug. The drug is given in a small bag with little stickers on it. To create the full aesthetic of a realistic drug I'll have the the tabs in small baggies as well.

I have family in town the entire weekend and we're having a large family reunion. So, I haven't been able to work on my project as much as I'd like to, but I've been trying my best. Besides the blog I've been working on my storyboard and gathering some material to be filming. I also filmed a little bit of filler stuff and started editing it, just to see how much time I would need to put into editing.

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